What is your role within RG?
I joined RG in January 2025 as an Audit Partner in the Audit and Assurance service line.
Tell me about your career to date…
I began my professional career at KPMG – progressing through from trainee to Senior Manager. After a brief flirtation with industry, I then joined PwC in Newcastle. I then made the decision to step out of the Big 4 and joined an independent firm, Tait Walker, as an Audit Partner. After around 7 years Tait Walker was then acquired by Azets where I spent just under 3 years before joining RG in January 2025. I like to think that I have a significant level of experience which has been gained from working for a range of firms in the industry – two of the Big 4, a large national firm and now two independent firms.
What does your current role involve?
I only joined in January so I’m currently finding my feet. I’m busy learning about our staff and clients whilst also looking at the future strategy and opportunities for the firm. However, being a true auditor at heart I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and getting my hands dirty with some proper audit work!
What makes RG different?
In an industry where there is currently a lot of consolidation, I feel RG’s commitment to being independent and the resulting flexibility and ability to make longer term strategic decisions which benefit its clients and people is a key differentiator. It was the key reason I was attracted to the firm.
What do you enjoy outside of work?
A significant amount of my time outside of work is spent coaching football. I coach a high level girls’ team which currently plays in Junior Premier League which means that every other weekend I’m on the road for games at places such as Manchester, Nottingham and Derby. It’s a huge commitment but one that I’m very happy to give as they’re such a focused and dedicated group. In what little remains of my spare time I play football myself, go to the gym as well socialising with friends and family.
And finally, leave us with one interesting fact about yourself?
I’ll tell you half an interesting fact as it’s still a sore one for me over 30 years later! My potential professional football career when I was younger was hindered by the transfer of a Premier League player from one team to another! Bad timing for me! I’d never have made it anyway but it’s always a sob story I can tell. Ask me for more details after a few beers!