Clear advice, Creative thinking

Corporate finance
Our award winning corporate finance service line has a refreshingly different attitude to what constitutes exceptional advice. You don’t need to take our word for it either: we are very aware of the importance to you of appointing the right adviser for what may be a once in a lifetime transaction and so we ask our potential clients to contact our most recent clients to find out ‘from the horse’s mouth’ exactly what they thought of our advice and the difference it made to them and their transaction.

What advice do we provide to our clients?
- We advise on company acquisitions and disposals (M&A), Management Buy Outs (MBOs) and Management Buy Ins (MBIs);
- We carry out company wide strategic reviews with the sole objective being to improve shareholder value;
- We can help clients raise growth and development capital;
- We carry out business valuations for a variety of purposes (i.e. company sale, probate, shareholder disputes etc);
- We help scope out and refine a company’s growth strategy, whilst preparing business plans and fully integrated financial forecasts; and
- We can carry out Financial Due Diligence on behalf of acquirers, funders (banks and PE / VC funds) or management teams.

Delivering your Ambition
We aim to stand out from our peers by:
- Taking a strategic approach to planning and preparing a client’s business for a transaction;
- Adopting a ‘solutions focused’ and collaborative approach;
- Our insistence on building the most suitable team of advisers for each transaction; and
- Having a highly skilled, multi-qualified, experienced team of advisers
Most corporate finance advisers will look to be engaged by a client immediately before the client embarks on a transaction. They will simply ‘transact’ the sale or purchase for the client and then move on to the next transaction.
This approach will deliver a quick fee for the adviser: but not necessarily the maximum value for the client.
Even worse, trying to sell an unprepared business may result in a failed transaction: this is not only expensive for the client in terms of deal fees, but it is also likely to have a detrimental impact on staff morale and customer retention.
Our objective is to deliver the maximum value for our clients and our experience tells us that careful preparation and planning lays the foundation for a successful and value enhancing transaction. Before we provide transactional advice, we aim to carry out a strategic review of our client’s business to highlight the key strengths and weaknesses of the business. If we believe that our client can obtain greater shareholder value by delaying a proposed transaction in order to implement some key changes to the business, we will explain exactly what those required changes are and how our client can achieve them as efficiently and effectively as possible. We often work with clients for up to 3 years prior to a transaction to build a better, more valuable, business.
Having a positive, ‘can do’ and collaborative approach makes a huge difference to the success or failure of what can be a very complicated and emotionally demanding transaction.
We see it as our job to ensure that there is constant, positive, communication between all the parties involved in a transaction, to make sure that every adviser, including those acting for the other side, are working towards a focussed timetable and with a positive approach to delivering the optimum outcome for both sides as efficiently as possible.
M&A transactions are often destabilising for both the vendor and the purchaser and a significant drain on management time and resource, especially if antagonism develops between the two sides. We aim to complete every transaction rapidly and collaboratively, so that the process is as pain free as possible for both parties, ensuring that they are in a position to work well together post completion of a transaction.
We pride ourselves on being much more than just corporate finance advisers. A business like ours depends entirely on the quality of its people and the make-up of our team is entirely different from any other corporate finance firm we have encountered.
Our team impresses both on paper and in action, and as you might expect from our strategic approach to preparing our clients for transactions, has been carefully put together over a number of years, with an emphasis on complimentary skill sets that bring the maximum benefit to our clients.
Included in our team are one of England’s youngest ever qualified chartered accountants, a qualified corporate lawyer, and chartered tax advisers, with the majority of our team also having Big 4 experience.
In addition to corporate finance advice, we will provide you with exceptional tax and transactional services support as well as tapping into the expertise of our corporate lawyer: whilst he has ceased to practice as a lawyer, he brings to the table a number of years’ experience with international institutions.
When buying or selling a business, raising finance or seeking external investment, a client needs more than just corporate finance advice. Whilst we will lead the transaction, acting as the conductor, our client needs excellent specialists in their orchestra to ensure that an outstanding performance can be delivered.
We take it on ourselves to help our clients engage legal, funding and transactional services specialists, as required, including arranging beauty parades and ensuring that the advisers put forward for consideration have the necessary knowledge and sector experience.
We have worked with a large number of lawyers and bankers both regionally and nationally and we are keenly aware of who brings what skills and experience to the table.
RGCF are delighted to have won the Corporate Finance Deal of the Year Award at the 2023 North East Accountancy Awards, for their work on the Management Buy Out of the NA College Group.

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Ryecroft Glenton is not authorised under the Financial and Services and Markets Act 2000 but we are able in certain circumstances to offer a limited range of investment services because we are members of the ICAEW. We can provide these investment services if they are an incidental part of the professional services we have been engaged to provide.